Friday, December 5, 2008

30 Weeks

Just 10 weeks to go. When I mentioned this to Scott the other night both of our mouths dropped. Kid Stedman is certainly becoming a reality. She loves her weekly prenatal yoga classes with all the rest of the big bellied Brooklyn mommies and seems to enjoy avocado on toast and Nutela... Hmmm Nutela.

Though we still haven't purchased the crib, car seat, stroller, and other items on the endless list of necessary baby gear we are finally getting her room all spiffed up. Here you can see the shelves that the Kid's mom put up last night.

Juliet Rose Svenson

We finally got our hands on a picture of Eric and Sarah's daughter Juliet. She's even cuter in person. Congratulations guys!

Monday, December 1, 2008

1 Turkey, 3 Babies and a Newport Wedding

Nothing beats feasting, and babies, and seeing old friends at an old friend's wedding, so overall the last few days have been a successful validation of life and the goodness of humanity. Here are some photographs of the Stedman family Thanksgiving, the 2nd dessert-eating at my folks' house (with the delicious dumpling Lila) and 2 lovely ladies (Maggie Abely in the cozy sling and Indigo Cramb tasting her first beer) at Eric and Christin Sanders' wedding in Newport, RI.

Return from Bhutan

Barbara and Michael, our resident world travelers, have just returned from a Himalayan trekking adventure in the tiny Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan. We're thankful that they narrowly missed the coup and seizure of the Bangkok airport to arrive safely back in Boston on a 36 hour flight! Here the Stedman cuties play dress up with Thai and Bhutanese costumes.