Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lou in her hot rod

Lou meets Lou & Lou & Lou & Lou & Lou & Lou & Lou & Lou & Lou...

Some day Daddy's going to buy you a sweet red roadster. Till then we'll have to make due with our red racer buggy.

Brooklyn children at play during recess.

What Louise looks like all bundled up in her stroller- happy and snoozy.

I know the pace at which I'm uploading pictures/updating the blog cannot be sustained (mom surely has better things to do), but until the pace slows please enjoy these snapshots of Louise's first jaunt about the neighborhood in her speedy red hot rod.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Week 1, what a long strange trip it's been

At this time last week Scott and I were basking in the glow of our hours old Louise. We were tired, excited and stunned by the immediate love we felt and the strangeness of our new position in the world as guardians to this little helpless bundle.

So much has happened in 7 days and we're beginning to think that we'll do just fine as parents. Louise is thriving due to lots of nursing, tons of sleep and an unmeasurable amount of love. Call it hormones if you must but I have become a mushy love-struck sentimentalist... and happily so.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 5

Our girl is so photogenic that Mom and Dad are becoming crazed Louise paparazzi. Say cheese.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Going home to Brooklyn

Beautiful girl

Here are some more pics from our stay at the hospital over the last 2 days.

February 18, 2009. The birth of LOUISE!!!!

Sorry to keep you all in suspense. Just getting our bearings after the tremendous experience of welcoming our beautiful daughter.

Early Wednesday evening I finally went into labor. And it was no joke. It came on fast and furious and by the time we reached the labor and delivery nurses' station at NYU I was crawling on my hands and knees and ready to jump out of the window. 5 hours and one heavenly epidural later our little Louise was born. We are completely speechless and as I look at these pictures I get weepy with overwhelming love. Big huge love. She's even better in person.