Wednesday, January 28, 2009

37.5 Weeks

It's not surprising that I'm getting bigger everyday. What is surprising is that the little human that lives in my belly is growing a pound a week! She's taken to jabbing and kicking those tiny arms and legs out of my left side with increasing force. Sometimes I literally have to push them back into a folded position so that I don't have a pointy bulge just popping out from under my shirt. It's a very weird sensation and continually reminds me of that scene in Poltergeist in which Carol Ann's dad, Craig T. Nelson, drinks a possessed tequila worm that rapidly incubates, crawls around inside of him and then births itself out of his belly. Of course Kid Stedman is a sweet baby and would never intentionally hurt her mommy but it gets me wondering...

Regardless, the Kid is on her way (soon!) and as you can see all her things are ready for her.


"Greeny" and Nana's mint green blanket

Soft Friends

Monkey pull thing

Assorted stripey clothing

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