Friday, May 21, 2010

Wounded in Action

I'm almost too ashamed to show you these pictures... The terrible/horrible/sick-inducing injury that is warned about in all the parenting handbooks happened to Louise.

By just glancing away for a minute in a room that contained both our bouncing baby girl and a scalding hot thermos mug of green tea, there was time enough for Louise to curiously tip the cup and its molten contents onto her face. Luckily, it's only a superficial burn but the hours after the accident were the saddest I've ever seen. In pain and without the words (or profanities) to describe her feelings, Louise stomped her feet in a running motion and shook her head "No! No! No!" It was awful. Needless to say, the last few days at the playground have made me feel like a bad parent. I've been explaining to passing strangers about hot tea... and how it happened in a second... and that's why she's wearing a raccoon mask of sun block and Neosporin.

The good news is that nothing keeps Louise down. In spite of the stares and finger pointing she's been playing with her usual gusto at the playground, raccoon mask and all.

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